PalmPay Face ID Recognition: Everything You Need To Know

Here's how to set/put Face ID Recognition on your PalmPay Account.
PalmPay Face ID

Recently, CBN lifts on onboarding new customers'restrictions that was placed on PalmPay, OPay, KUDA Bank, Paga and Moniepoint. In response to this, PalmPay decided to tighten it security levels by adding Facial ID Recognition to it mobile money app.

Likewise OPay, Facial ID Recognition will be out to used whenever you want to send large amount of money ranging from N50,000 upward to any bank account in Nigeria.

Meanwhile, if you've not already set your Face ID on the PalmPay App, you'll be forced to set it up upon request for the transaction, otherwise, you'll not be allowed to carryout the financial transactions.

In this article, I will walk you through the steps to setup Face ID on your PalmPay Account with ease. Let's dive in!

How to put Face ID on PalmPay

To set Facial ID Recognition on your PalmPay Account, kindly follow these steps:

  1. Login to your PalmPay Account and click on "Me" at the bottom of the dashboard.
  2. On the next page, click on the settings icon next to your profile Image.
  3. Scroll down and click on "Biometric Authentication".
  4. On the Biometric Authentication page, if you only see "Touch ID Login" and "Touch ID for Pay", then update your PalmPay App to the latest version to get "Facial ID Recognition"
  5. Once the "Facial ID Recognition" is enabled on your PalmPay Account, you can use it to make payment and Login.

How to Use Face ID on PalmPay

PalmPay has taken your financial security and convenience to the next level with Face ID recognition. This secure system lets you ditch remembering complex passwords and constantly entering them for logins and transactions.

Instead, with a simple glance, you can access your PalmPay account and authorize your transactions quickly and securely. Face ID recognition adds an extra layer of protection to your finances, giving you peace of mind while making mobile payments.

Furthermore, PalmPay makes managing your money on the go effortless. Forget the hassle of remembering PIN or spending time typing them in. With Face ID recognition, you can seamlessly authorize payments/transactions with just a quick look.

In a nutshell, you can use Face ID Recognition on PalmPay to authorize your transactions and it can also be used to Login to your PalmPay Account.

About the Author

With five years experience in Media, Temmy Samuel's become a modern journalist, delivering impressive reporting about tech, finance, business and science around the world. More About Temmy

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